Reinardus 25 (2013)
The peer-reviewed journal Reinardus aims to promote comparative research in the fields of medieval comic, satirical, didactic, and allegorical literature, with emphasis on beast epic, fable and fabliau, including sources, influences and later developments into the modern period. Moreover, Reinardus is the only journal entirely devoted to the study of the animals in the Middle Ages. Its main topic is about literature and fable, but one could find many other papers on various subjects concerning the history of animal during medieval times.
Table of Contents
- Insectes perspicaces dans une parodie des débats scolastiques
Rafael Alemany Ferrer, 1 – 10 - Lupus rapax: Allegorisches und Naturkundliches über den Wolf bei Albertus Magnus
Henryk Anzulewicz, 11 – 27 - Il corpo della volpe e del lupo nelle miniature del codice Leidense di Ademaro di Chabannes
Ferruccio Bertini, 28 – 35 - “Se science est un ars de tel maniere” : le corps objet, médecine et chirurgie dans Le Roman de Renart
Benoît Chapuis, 36 – 52 - Thomas de Cantimpré et l’Orient : les sources arabes dans les chapitres zoologiques du Liber de natura rerum
Grégory Clesse, 53 – 77 - How the “cerf sanz tache” found its way into the Vulgate Cycle
Laura Endress, 78 – 95 - Tractat per l’art de la caça; edición y estudio léxico
Antoni Mas i Miralles and Marinela Garcia Sempere, 96 – 119 - La rappresentazione del corpo animale nei manoscritti di favole esopiche latine: Alcuni esempi celebri
Caterina Mordeglia, 120 – 140 - Das Tierprozessions-Kapitell im Straßburger Münster: Auslegungsstrategien im publizistischen Konfessionsstreit der Reformationszeit
Uwe Ruberg, 141 – 160 - Zorros y cigüeñas en el coro: Representaciones de la fábula en las sillerías del tardogótico hispano
María Dolores Teijeira Pablos, 161 – 174
- International Reynard Society :
- Reinardus Conference 2015 :
- Online Journal :
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MAD (March 11, 2015). Reinardus 25 (2013). Medieval Animal Data-Network. Retrieved January 22, 2025 from