OpenEdition suggests that you cite this post as follows: Thierry Buquet (April 6, 2017). Reinardus, 2016, vol. 28. Medieval Animal Data-Network. Retrieved January 22, 2025 from
Central European University (Budapest), Department of Medieval Studies
Medieval animal data-network
M(edieval) A(nimal) D(ata-networks) (MAD) is conceived as a way to bring together scholars interested in addressing the manifold ways humans have related to and depended on animals for physical and spiritual existence in Medieval Europe. The aim of the blog is to stimulate academic conversations and debates between scholars and students concerned with all aspects of the animal-human relationship in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Age. The blog covers multi-disciplinary information ranging from texts to image to material culture and bio archaeology.
M(edieval) A(nimal) D(ata-networks) (MAD) est conçu comme un moyen de rassembler des chercheurs intéressés dans l’approche plurielle des relations interdépendantes homme-animal, dans la culture matérielle et l’imaginaire de l’Europe médiévale. Le but de ce carnet est de favoriser les échanges et les débats entre chercheurs et étudiants intéressés par les différents aspects de la relation homme-animal au Moyen Âge et au début de l’époque moderne. Le carnet propose des contenus multidisciplinaires, comprenant textes, images, culture matérielle et données bio-archéologiques.