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Category: Call for Papers

Amiens, BM, ms 18, f. 92r

Call for papers: Saints and Animals

Editor: Mathilde van Dijk (University of Groningen) Power over the animals has been a characteristic of saints from their beginnings in the Early Church. By no means restricted to Christian saints, but including similar figures in other religions, this volume will explore how the connection between those very special humans and animals is...

Call for papers: From Morning Hunt to Beloved Gazelle (Cambridge 15-16th Dec. 2021)

15-16th December, 2021 , University of Cambridge Literary and Visual Representations of Animals from Central Asia to the Maghreb This conference seeks to rethink the literatures and arts of the Middle East, North Africa, and the Persianate and Turkish lands through the presence of non-human animals situated within their ‘worlds’, whether these be...

Olaus Magnus. Fishing net

Call for papers: Aquatic Animals in the Global Middle Ages (Digital Workshop)

Aquafauna has recently been the topic of several conferences and publications focusing on zoological knowledge, its transmission, and transformation. Our workshop aims to investigate the imagery of aquatic animals in literature, their symbolism, their metaphorical use, and widespread views and misconceptions about such animals. We would like to propose a global perspective limited...

Call for papers: Transmission of knowledge on fish and aquatic animals, texts and images (Antiquity, Middle Ages, 16th century) (Caen, Normandy, 4-6 Nov. 2021)

The conference Transmission of knowledge on fish and aquatic animals, texts and images (Antiquity, Middle Ages, 16th century) will be the closing event of GDRI Zoomathia, which ends at the end of 2021. In 2017, an international symposium was held in the International Cultural Center of Cerisy-la-Salle, entitled Aquatic Animals and Monsters of...

Disabled and Disabling Animals: Call for Papers for the IMC 2020 Session Proposal

The Medieval Animal Data-Network is organizing several sessions on Animals for the International Medieval Congress that will take place at the University of Leeds in 2020. We are welcoming submissions for 20-minute presentations for the interdisciplinary session “Disabled & Disabling Animals.” This interdisciplinary session will explore any kind of injury, illness, attack, or...

Teaching Animals: Call for Papers for the IMC 2020 Session Proposal

The Medieval Animal Data-Network is organizing several sessions on Animals for the International Medieval Congress that will take place at the University of Leeds in 2020. We are welcoming submissions for 20-minute presentations for the interdisciplinary session “Teaching Animals.” This session will explore how humans teach and train animals and/or how animals teach...

Animals Near & Far: Call for Papers for the IMC 2020 Session Proposal

The Medieval Animal Data-Network is organizing several sessions on Animals for the International Medieval Congress that will take place at the University of Leeds in 2020. We are welcoming submissions for 20-minute presentations for the interdisciplinary session “Animals Near and Far.” This session will explore the perception, representation, and misrepresentation of domestic, exotic...

Call for papers : Apprehending zoological categories in past societies: sources, methods and uses (22-23 March, 2019)

Appréhender les catégories zoologiques dans les sociétés du passé : sources, méthodes, usages Paris, Friday & Saturday 22-23 March 2019 (Sorbonne University). Escalier G, third floor, room J 324 – Centre de Recherches Egyptologiques de la Sorbonne (CRES) 1 rue Victor Cousin, Paris, France (75005). Deadline: 30 Novembre 2018 contact : Abstract in French or...

Animals: Theory, Practice, Representation. Call for Papers (Leiden, 4-5 April 2019-

Leiden University,  4 April 2019 – 5 April 2019 Deadline: October 1st 2018 On April 4th and 5th, 2019, Leiden University Centre for Arts in Society (LUCAS) will be hosting a conference called, Animals: Theory, Practice, and Representation. This graduate conference is an international and interdisciplinary platform where PhD and master students can...

Octopus attacking sailors. Valenciennes, ms. 320, f. 118. Thomas de Cantimpré, Liber de natura rerum, 13th Century

Call for papers: Maritime Animals. Telling Stories of Animals at Sea (London, April 26-27, 2019)

Call for papers Deadline: May 15, 2018. In maritime narratives of humans, ships and the sea, animals are too often absent, or marginalised in passing references, despite the fact that ships once carried, and were populated by, all kinds of animals. Horses, mules and other ‘military’ animals crossed the sea to their battlefields,...

Valenciennes, BM, ms. 320, f. 43. Thomas de Cantimpre, Liber de natura rerum, 13th C. Begining of the book on human monsters. On top: instruction for the illuminator: I. monstre demi homme demi beste

Call for papers: Hybrid bodies at the edge of the human in the Middle Ages (Louvain, 19-20 April 2018)

Corps hybrides aux frontières de l’humain au Moyen Âge Conference,  Université  de Louvain-la-Neuve, 19-20 April 2018 Call for papers In the Middle Ages, the integrity of the body constituted a mirror of the universe and a model to understand nature and to reinforce current social and political structures. Deformation and metamorphosis posed a...

Call for papers: Depicting and describing animals in ancient Greece, Rome and beyond (Cornell U., September 8-10, 2017)

ZOOGRAPHEIN – Depicting and describing animals in ancient Greece, Rome and beyond Cornell University, Ithaca NY September 8-10, 2017 In collaboration with the research network ZOOMATHIA Call for papers deadline: February 1, 2017 Greek and Roman culture is replete with verbal and visual descriptions and depictions of animals, from Herodotus’ gold-digging ants or...

Call for papers: Animals in the hood – the long history of cohabitation (Valenciennes 11-12 May 2017)

Les animaux sont dans la place. La longue histoire d’une cohabitation À l’occasion des quatrième rencontres « Des bêtes et des hommes », historiens, historiens d’art, littéraires, archéologues et zootechniciens sont conviés à penser la place laissée aux animaux ou partagée avec eux, qu’ils soient exploités, commensaux ou intrusifs, dans les espaces habités...

Call for papers: Session on Medieval Equestrianism at the International Medieval Congress 2017, Leeds

Medieval Equestrianism at the International Medieval Congress 2017, Leeds Following the success of edieval equestrianism sessions at the International medieval congress (IMC) Leeds 2016, we invite papers for special sessions on medieval equestrian history for the IMC at Leeds in 2017. We welcome papers on theoretical and practical aspects of medieval equestrianism, as...

Call for papers: Walruses, Whales and Narwhals Maritime Ivories in Western Europe, 900-1500 (Kalamazoo 2017)

In the history of carved ivories, maritime mammals have often been eclipsed by the elephant, considered as a nobler ivory to which walrus or whale ivory would only be a poor man’s substitute. But this historiographical view is not without its shortcomings, as not only did walrus hunting play a significant role in...

Call for papers: XXIInd Colloquium of the International Reynard Society (Reading, UK, 12-16 July 2017)

First circular : February 2016 The XXIInd Colloquium of the International Reynard Society will be held in Reading, under the auspices of the Graduate Centre for Medieval Studies, 12-16 July 2017. Reading is conveniently situated, just 30 minutes by train from London and within easy access of Heathrow airport. Reading University’s attractive campus...

Call for papers: Aquatic Animals and Monsters of the Northern Seas (Cerisy, Normandy, 31 May-3 June 2017)

Aquatic Animals and Monsters of the Northern Seas Imagination, knowledge, exploitation, from Antiquity to 1600 Deadline for abstract submission: May, 31st 2016 Place : Centre culturel de Cerisy-la-Salle (France, Normandy), May 32st – June 3rd 2017 The Colloquium is devoted to the history of fish, aquatic monsters and mammals in the northern seas...

Call for papers: Nuisibles (Pests) Paris, 31 Jan.- 1 feb 2017

Appel à communication – Call for papers Colloque international  / International Conference « Nuisibles ? Approches interdisciplinaires » Deadline for submission : 20 March2016 Dates :  31 janvier au 1 er février 2017 , Paris – La Défense (Ministère de l’Écologie – Tour Séquoia) Organised  by Association pour l’Histoire de la Protection de la Nature...

Call for papers: Animals in the Early Middle Ages (St-Dizier, 6-8 Oct. 2016)

Cherchez la (petite) bête : l’ animal au haut Moyen Âge – Appel à communication – AFAM 2016 Deadline:  29 February 2016 Saint-Dizier (France), St-Dizier, 6-8 Oct. 2016 Cherchez la (petite) bête : l’animal au haut Moyen Âge – Appel à communication – AFAM 2016 | (Association française d’ archéologie mérovingienne /Merovingian Archaeology French Association)...

Mâcon, Bibliothèque municipale, Ms 1, f. 211, 15th Century

Call for papers: Animals at Court (Munich, 8-10 December 2016)

Place: Department of History, Ludwig-Maximilian University, Munich, German Organisation: Society for Court Studies, German Committee, Historisches Seminar der LMU München Dates: 08.12.2016 – 10.12.2016 Call for papers deadline: 8 December 2015 Argument Whoever does research on courts encounters, if only peripherally, animals: from horses to hounds, falcons to fleas. Animals at court included...