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Category: Events & colloquia

Pierpont Morgan Library, MS M.638). MS M.638 fol. 2v

Historical Zoodemography. History of animal population (Paris-Nanterre, March 15, 2018)

Place: Campus Paris Ouest, MAE, Bâtiment Max Weber, salle séminaire 2  Nanterre, France (92) Date: Thursday, March 15, 2018, 9h30-16h Contact : Fabrice Guizard  (fguizard [at] gmail [dot] com) French abstract: PDF Flyer Programme 9h30-12h00 Fabrice Guizard (UMR 7041) Introduction Laure Fontana (CNRS-UMR 7041) Les groupes humains et les rennes au Paléolithique supérieur en...

Defining the marine monster. Conference, University of Caen, March 9th, 2018

Date : Friday March 9th 2018, 9h30-16h. University of Caen Normandy, campus 1, Esplanade de la Paix, MRSH, room SH 027. Organization : Craham, ICHTYA research programme ( Programme : French abstract Quiconque travaille sur les créatures aquatiques dans les textes ou dans les arts figurés de l’Antiquité, du Moyen Âge et...

Aquatic Animals and Monsters of the Northern Seas: Programme (Cerisy-La-Salle, May 31-June 2017)

The Colloquium is devoted to the history of fish, aquatic monsters and mammals in the northern seas (the English Channel, North Sea, Baltic Sea, Norwegian Sea, the North Atlantic), from antiquity to 1600. The colloquium is structured in five topics: Zoological Knowledge: Naming Describing, Identifying Sea products: fishing, eating, transforming Iconography: representing marine...

Conference: The Reception of the Physiologus in Mediaeval Encyclopaedias (Paris, June 14th, 2017)

Journée d’études « La réception du Physiologus dans les encyclopédies médiévales » Demi-journée d’études sur l’utilisation du Physiologus dans les encyclopédies médiévales, organisée le 14 juin 2017 à l’Institut de recherche et d’histoire des textes, dans le cadre du projet SourcEncyMe et du Groupe de recherche international Zoomathia. À l’occasion du colloque international “The Physiologus...

Zoomathia : Research Network Meeting & Conference (Sienna, October 27-28, 2016)

Conference organized by : Cristiana Franco (Siena, Università per Stranieri) Marco Vespa (Università di Siena, Università di Pisa, Université Côte d’Azur, CNRS, Nice)  Arnaud Zucker (Nice, Université Côte d’Azur, CNRS) October 27-28, 2016 • Università per Stranieri, Siena (Italy) October 27, Thursday Research network meeting October 28, Friday CONFERENCE Towards multidisciplinary research projects...

Conference: Around Timotheos of Gaza Late Antiquity Greek zoological sources in Syriac and Arabic literature

Around Timotheos of Gaza / Autour de Timothée de Gaza Journée d’étude organisée par  Arnaud Zucker & Jean-Charles Ducene 4 novembre 2016 • 9h-15h30 MSHS, Saint-Jean d’Angely 3, Amphi 31 NICE (France) Late Antiquity Greek zoological sources (IIe-VIe s. ap. J.-C.) in syriac and arabic literature (VIIIe-XVe s.) Les sources grecques tardives (IIe-VIe...

Conference: Cherchez la petite bête. L’animal au haut Moyen Âge. 37es journées internationales d’archéologie mérovingienne (AFAM 2016) (Association française d’ archéologie mérovingienne /Merovingian Archaeology French Association) Chassé, pêché, domestiqué, familier ou sauvage, l’animal est indispensable à la survie de l’homme et se place naturellement au centre de l’économie des sociétés pré-industrielles. Les 37e Journées internationales lui seront entièrement consacrées. Date: 6-8 Octobre 2016 Programme (PDF) : AFAM-2016-programme Venue: Théâtre municipal,...

Conference: Menschen und Tiere zwischen Mittelalter und Moderne (Bamberg, 7-9 July 2016)

Internationale Tagung der Bamberg Graduate School of History (BaGraHist) Vom 7. bis 9. Juli 2016 findet die internationale Tagung “Menschen und Tiere zwischen Mittelalter und Moderne” an der Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg statt. Die von der Bamberg Graduate School of History veranstaltete Konferenz befasst sich hauptsächlich mit europäischen Mensch-Tier-Verhältnissen in der frühen Neuzeit. Das Verhältnis...

St Jerome and the Lion 1502 Tempera on canvas, 141 x 211 cm Scuola di San Giorgio degli Schiavoni, Venice

Conference: The Animals according to Church Fathers (Sylvanes, France, 23-26 June 2016

Les animaux chez les Pères de l’Église 25e Rencontres de Patristique, Abbaye de Sylvanès (Aveyron, France), 23-26 June, 2016 Organization: Université de Toulouse 2 – Jean-Jaurès ; Université catholique de Louvain, Institut des Sources Chrétiennes Les « Rencontres de Patristique » existent depuis plus de vingt-cinq ans ; elles furent longtemps organisées à Carcassonne avant d’être reprises d’abord...

Hedgehogs rolling to pick up food, from a 13th-century English bestiary: British Library, Royal 12 F XIII, fol. 45r.

Conference: Ethological issues in Ancient and Medieval Documents (Rouen, 14-15 April 2016)

Les problématiques éthologiques dans les documents antiques et médiévaux Rouen (France) 14-15 April 2016 Zoomathia conference: « Les problématiques éthologiques dans les documents antiques et médiévaux (textes, images)   étude des sources, évolution des connaissances, diffusion du savoir, identification des espèces » [Ethological issues in Ancient and medieval documents (texts and images): sources, evolution and...

Albertus Magnus, De animalibus, Paris, BnF, Latin 16169

Identifying and describing aquatic animals in the Middle Ages (Caen, March 25, 2016)

Identifier et décrire les animaux aquatiques au Moyen Âge 25 mars 2016, 9h30-16h. Université de Caen, Campus 1, Salle du Belvédère, bâtiment D, DR 408. Argument Dans le cadre du programme de recherche Ichtya, le CRAHAM organise le 25 mars 2016 à l’Université de Caen Normandie une journée d’études intitulée « Identifier et décrire...

Colloquium : International Reynard Society (Zürich, July, 15-19, 2015)

The 21st Colloquium of the International Reynard Society is organised at the University of Zürich. It takes place in the main building of the University, overlooking the city, from Wednesday, 15th to Saturday, 19th July 2015. List of papers (by order of time-line) Baudouin van den Abeele: Les oiseaux dans l’espace domestique médiéval:...


Seminar of Anthropozoology, 2015, Paris, National Museum of Natural History

Anthropozoologie : histoire naturelle et culturelle des animaux vrais, Paris, 2015, February, March, April Director: François POPLIN ( UMR 7209 Archéozoologie, Archéobotanique Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle – CNRS (INEE) 55, rue de Buffon 75005 Paris tél. 01 40 79 33 11 Programme 18 février petit amphithéâtre d’Entomologie, 45 rue de Buffon 9 h 30 Michel...

Conrad Gesner, Icones animalium, Zurich: Froschauer, 1553, p. 28

Impressions from the International Conference “Animals and Words” (Darmstadt, May 26-27, 2014)

Animaliter is an international research network, which acronym means ‘Animal in literature’. The core team gathers scholars from Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands and Switzerland. Animaliter’s main research project is to publish an on-line encyclopaedia of animals found in medieval literature (in Romance, Latin, German and Scandinavian languages). Many scholars from many countries (Italy,...

Amiens, Bibl. mun., ms. 0399, f. 147v. Bartholomaeus Anglicus, Jean Corbechon (transl.) Livre des propriétés des choses, 1447

XXXVIII Coloquio Internacional de Historia del Arte. Animalística

For the English Version of this Call for Papers for the “38th International Colloquium of Art History: Animals” click this LINK. Mérida, Yucatán, del 28 de Septiembre al 1 de Octubre 2014. La fauna y sus representaciones visuales, acústicas y literarias son, sin duda, un tema recurrente en la Historia del Arte. En...

(Un)Expected Animals in (Un)Expected Places in the Middle Ages & the Early Modern Period: A brief account of an excellent meeting

On May 6th and 7th, 2014, the Medieval Animal Data-Network held its 3rd International Meeting at the University of Louisville in Kentucky. The event was hosted by the Medieval and Renaissance Research Group (MEDREN) with financial support from the University of Louisville Liberal Studies Project, the Department of History, the Hite Art Institute,...

Pierpont Morgan Library, MS M.638). MS M.638 fol. 2v

Animal sessions in Kalamazoo 2014

MAD will not be present at Kalamazoo this year (49th International Congress on Medieval Studies May 8–11, 2014) , but many sessions will deal with various aspects of animals in the Middle Ages. This post provides an exhaustive selection of the animal sessions and papers in Kalamazoo this year. Thursday 3:30 p.m. Session 89...

The elephant at the Tower of London (London, British Library, MS Cotton Nero D I. f. 169v).

Sessions and papers about Animals at Leeds, IMC, 2014

Along with the sessions organized by MAD (see the program at, many papers will deal with medieval animals at Leeds, International medieval congress, July 7-10 2014. Session 113 Title Negotiating the Boundary between Human and Non-Human: Dogs, Warriors, and Fools Date/Time Monday 7 July 2014: 11.15-12.45 Organiser IMC Programming Committee Moderator/Chair Siegrid...

Adam naming the animals of the world, from the Peterborough Bestiary (MS 53, f. 195v)

Animals and Words: Talking about Animals – Talking with Animals – Talking Animals

New Animaliter colloquium  (May, 26-27, 2014) : The Programme is online (PDF) : Topic and themes Talking about Animals: How do medieval authors describe and name animals? This comprises problems of terminology and classification, but also the analysis of poetic elements used when describing animals, such as epithets or proper names of animals, etc....