Category: Geographic areas
Species History Barn swallows (Hirundo rustica) have been noted as commensal with humans and livestock throughout recorded history. One of the first records comes from Pliny’s Natural History where it is explained: [Hirundines] Thebarum tecta subire negantur quoniam urbs illa saepius capta sit, nec Bizyes in Threcia propter scelera Terei. [Swallows] do not...
This is the very first version of a bibliography on history of animals in the (Medieval and Ottoman Muslim world. Please send comments at and If people are interested, we could organized a work-group on to share a bibliography with specialists from various origins and topics (hunting, falconry, veterinary medicine,...
The history of Arab menageries remains to be written. Gustave Loisel briefly touches upon it in his dusty and mediocre overview, particularly the Ottoman menageries of Constantinople (Loisel 1912, I, 184-187). L. Keimer’s long article on Cairo skims over the menageries of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance (Keimer 1954, 87–89). Though only a few...
¿Qué es una mascota? Las fuentes para su estudio Los animales de compañía, lo que hoy denominados mascotas, ocupaban el nivel de relación más estrecho con el hombre por el mero hecho del placer que producía su compañía. Y esto no deja de ser una excepción en el trato que mayoritariamente recibían los...
Introduction Baleen is the material which comprises the keratinous feeding plates in the mouths of the largest whales on the planet. It was traditionally used in corsets, along with other items from the late sixteenth century onwards. Historical references suggest that, prior to this, baleen arms and armour were used from the late...