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Category: Colloquia

Call for papers MAD International meeting (Louisville, Kentucky, May 6-7 2014)

Call for papers (deadline November 5th, 2013) International meeting/symposium of  The medieval animal data network University of Louisville, Kentucky, 6th and 7th of May, 2014 (Un)Expected Animals in (Un)Expected Places in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Period The M(edieval) A(nimal) D(ata-networks) ( is conceived as a way to bring together scholars interested...

Animals and Otherness in the Middle Ages cover (Arceopress 2013)

Animals and Otherness in the Middle Ages. Perspectives across disciplines

This publication has its origin in the colloquium Animals and Otherness in the Middle Ages held at the Faculty of Geography and History at Complutense University in Madrid in February 2011. This publication aims to bring together scholars from a range of disciplines to consider the diverse use of animals in constructions of...