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Tagged: literature

Call for papers: From Morning Hunt to Beloved Gazelle (Cambridge 15-16th Dec. 2021)

15-16th December, 2021 , University of Cambridge Literary and Visual Representations of Animals from Central Asia to the Maghreb This conference seeks to rethink the literatures and arts of the Middle East, North Africa, and the Persianate and Turkish lands through the presence of non-human animals situated within their ‘worlds’, whether these be...

New publication on animals in muslim culture: L’Arca di Noè. Studi in onore di Giovanni Canova

Ghersetti, A., O. Capezio, and F. Bellino, eds. L’Arca Di Noè. Studi in Onore Di Giovanni Canova. Quaderni Di Studi Arabi, n. s. 14. Roma: Istituto per l’Oriente, 2019. Table of contents Antonella GHERSETTI, Oriana CAPEZIO, Francesca BELLINO, L’arca Noè. Studi in onore di Giovanni Canova, 5-12 Eros BALDISSERA, Giovanni Canova: i...

Reinardus, 2016, vol. 28

Yearbook of the International Reynard Society, Volume 28 (2016) Table of Contents À propos du corbeau dans la traduction des Vaticinia de summis pontificibus par Jean Miélot: quelques questions littéraires et philologiques, Elisabetta Barale (1-22) La métamorphose des Minéides en chauves-souris dans l’Ovide moralisé, Angela Calenda (23-30) Langue et parole de la serpente...

Reinardus (27, 2015)

The peer-reviewed journal Reinardus aims to promote comparative research in the fields of medieval comic, satirical, didactic, and allegorical literature, with emphasis on beast epic, fable and fabliau, including sources, influences and later developments into the modern period. Moreover, Reinardus is the only journal entirely devoted to the study of the animals in...

Colloquium : International Reynard Society (Zürich, July, 15-19, 2015)

The 21st Colloquium of the International Reynard Society is organised at the University of Zürich. It takes place in the main building of the University, overlooking the city, from Wednesday, 15th to Saturday, 19th July 2015. List of papers (by order of time-line) Baudouin van den Abeele: Les oiseaux dans l’espace domestique médiéval:...

Call for papers: Mondes animaliers dans le monde médiéval et à la Renaissance (March 9-11, 2016)

Université de Picardie-Jules Verne – Unité de recherche TRAME (E.A. 4284) – Textes, représentations, archéologie, autorité et mémoire de l’Antiquité à la Renaissance, 9-11 mars 2016, Amiens, France Deadline for submission:  15 juillet 2015. Contact: Danielle Buschinger :

Call for papers: International Reynard Society (Zürich, July, 15-19, 2015)

The 21st  Colloquium of the International Reynard Society will be organised at the University of Zurich  from Wednesday, 15th to Saturday, 19th July 2015. For this edition of the Colloquium, the bureau of the Reynard Society suggests the following topics: The allegorical animal – the animal allegory; Birds; “Border cases” among short narratives