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Tagged: pig

New MAD publication: Medieval Animals on the Move Between Body and Mind (Palgrave, March 2021)

Medieval Animals on the Move: Between Body and Mind comprises a selection of peer-reviewed papers based on the 2017 conference of the Medieval Animal Database-Network (MAD), organized at the Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies of Stockholm University, “Animals on the Move in the Middle Ages”. MAD has organized a series of small...

New publication on animals in muslim culture: L’Arca di Noè. Studi in onore di Giovanni Canova

Ghersetti, A., O. Capezio, and F. Bellino, eds. L’Arca Di Noè. Studi in Onore Di Giovanni Canova. Quaderni Di Studi Arabi, n. s. 14. Roma: Istituto per l’Oriente, 2019. Table of contents Antonella GHERSETTI, Oriana CAPEZIO, Francesca BELLINO, L’arca Noè. Studi in onore di Giovanni Canova, 5-12 Eros BALDISSERA, Giovanni Canova: i...